Podcast Interview by GeekMom’s Rebecca Angel

Sept 12, 2019

“Let me tell you a bedtime story. It’s a simple story, in which nothing much happens, you feel good and then you fall asleep.”

Kathryn Nicolai is the writer and voice of the Nothing Much Happens podcast with a devoted following all over the world. She tells stories for grown-ups that help ease people into sleep. The stories take place in our modern world, focusing on everyday simplicity, and are told in a soft tone, twice. (Yes, the second time she speaks slower.) If you’re wondering, it works. I enjoyed reading the reviews:

“My favorite podcast, but I can’t remember the story because I fell asleep so quickly! Thanks!”

Although I wrote specifically about teens and the importance of sleep in my previous post, adults also suffer from insomnia. As a chronic insomniac, I have tried most ways to fall asleep and Nothing Much Happens is wonderful. As Kathryn explains in the intro, our brains have a hard time shutting off the world and need something to focus on, something gentle and unstimulating in order to quiet and allow the body to go into sleep mode. The stories she tells in Nothing Much Happens fill that role.

I am grateful for Kathryn for taking the time to answer my (many) questions about her podcast. Enjoy!


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